Welcome to Coming Home.

Coming Home is a newsletter on connection and a commentary on modern life. Aka: where we talk about the real shit.

about me

i’m Jas. a curious human & creative, i fucking love telling stories (and reading them, obvs). i’m a photographer, a writer, an author, a coffee-fiend, a lover of fiction, a “lets talk about trauma” girly, a hype-woman to creatives, and a sass-queen to the dogmatic ideals that society and religion would hold us captive to.

i talk about the real shit. i write about the things we don’t talk about enough. i write to give language to experience. years ago now, i left my old life of pentecostal hype-religion. aka my cult church. i gave ten years of my life — adolescence and adulthood — to that space. and over the years since i’ve left i’ve been unraveling the doubts and questions and joys i had locked up. i’ve been unknotting my body, and the ways i was taught to disconnect from her. i write about more than just the ex-churchy stuff, but this will undoubtedly seep into almost all of what i do write.

along the way, i have learned, and i am learning, to come home to myself.

about the newsletter

i love words, writing, putting pen to paper, finger to keyboard, and carving stories or sharing truths out of empty space. i love how we can get lost in a story, unsure where we end and the words begin.

since i was a child, stories held me captivated. whether it was magical worlds or true stories, i was rapt by them all. enamoured by stories, they were my escape, my joy, and the way i found truth and words to express my own feelings.

as an adult, it was words and stories, that helped me see myself again.

my own poetry and journals showed me glimpses into myself that my mind hadn’t brought about consciously yet.

and the stories of people who walked the paths i did before me, who wrestled with their pasts and came to make sense of themselves and put it into story form. i found so much healing through reading memoirs and books and instagram posts from others who i would come to admire and be inspired by in my own journey.

so why a newsletter?

because i believe in the value of continually showing up for ourselves and our creative work, continually being honest about our experiences and our stories, and learning from one another.

i created this space to give language to my experience.

here, you’ll find essays and life musings, with the occasional poetry piece, resource, and journal questions. all about connection — with ourselves, and with the world around us.

a free newsletter is coming out monthly at the moment, with the hope to bring it back to twice a month. life, ya know.

cute sidenote: i’m not a therapist, and these are not therapy notes. these are my experiences, my people’s experiences, and the words that have helped and healed me. one of my most important resources has been therapy. if you are leaving or unraveling your past life, my god, i cannot recommend finding a brilliant therapist enough. gamechanger.

what’s the deal with the paid stuff?

i’ve enabled paid subscriptions because i am a big believer in supporting creatives.

i have a vision for my art, for my words, and they aren’t just locked up in instagram captions. as much as possible in my own life, i subscribe to, donate to, or purchase products from, the creatives who are showing up for their art and showing up for themselves.

if you become a paid subscriber, you’re supporting my work and supporting me in continuing to make my writing accessible.

it helps to alter the narrative that all content we consume should be free.

there’s a tonne of emotional energy, as well as the actual physical energy, that creatives put into their art.

we live in a culture that has come to expect all things for free at all times. offering paid subscriptions allows me to make money off the work i produce, and therefore, continue to produce more work.

as a Paid Subscriber, aside from supporting my work, you’ll also get the extra resources i create as i make them. you’ll receive journal prompts — questions to help you examine your internal belief systems, as well as your creative loves. you’ll also have access to occasional podcast-style audio recordings from me.

most of all, i hope these words make you feel seen. i hope you are inspired. i hope you get curious. i hope this can be a space to help you think more, connect with yourself, and show up for yourself in a world that teaches us to shrink. or if nothing else, it’s a nice break in the spammy emails you get every other day.

magic is real. it’s in art. it’s in people.

all the love,

xx Jas

Coming Home with Jasmine Johnston is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

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a newsletter on connection + a commentary on modern life. for the creative, the curious, and the ex-culty.


curious human 🪩 lover of words, connection, & talkin’ about the real shit. ex-culty-good-girl turned sassy hype woman. writing essays about connection, and telling stories to bring us home.